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Contribution to the knowledge of chigger mites (Acari: Trombiculidae) parasitizing Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) (Rodentia, Muridae) on the Iberian Peninsula

A. Imaz, D. Galicia, M.L. Moraza and A.A. Stekolnikov

Acarologia, 46 (1-2): 53-64 (2006).


Two new species, Neotrombicula jordana n. sp., and Hirsutiella billabeta n. sp. are described from mice Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) collected in Navarra Province. Three species of chigger mites are recorded for the first time on the Iberic Peninsula: Neotrombicula vulgaris (Schluger, 1955), Brunehaldia bulgarica (Vercammen-Grandjean & Kolebinova, 1966), and Cheladonta pannonica (Kepka, 1956). Data on distribution and morphology of other 6 species are presented: Neotrombicula autumnalis (Shaw, 1790), N. japonica (Tanaka, Kaiwa, Teramura & Kagaya, 1930), N. hispanica Kepka, 1960, Hirsutiella zachvatkini (Schluger, 1948), Leptotrombidium europaeum (Daniel & Brelich, 1959), and Schoutedenichia krampitzi (Willmann, 1955).

Neotrombicula jordana n. sp. is similar to Neotrombicula solida Schluger & Davidov, 1967 and N. texana Schluger, 1962, and differs from the both species in having 3 genualae I versus 2, nude galeala and dorsal palpal tibial seta versus branched, smaller scutum (AW=55—63, PW=70—80, SB=20—25, and SD=45—50 versus AW=74—89, PW=95—109, SB=31—44, and SD=58—69), and shorter legs (Ip=861—990 versus 1033—1294). N. jordana also differs from N. texana in having 8 setae in the first row of D versus 6 and presence of mastitarsala III

Hirsutiella billabeta n. sp. is similar to Hirsutiella zachvatkini (Schluger, 1948), and differs from this species in having much more numerous idiosomal setae (NDV = 226—259 versus 145—180), somewhat lesser scutum (PW = 84 versus 88, ASB = 38—41 versus 41—48, SD = 53—59 versus 57—66), longer AM (53—83 versus 47—60), and lesser m-t (0.236 versus 0.271). H. billabeta resembles H. alpina Stekolnikov, 2000 by large NDV, but differs in having smaller scutum (PW = 81—88 versus 95—108, SD = 53—59 versus 64—69), shorter legs (Ip = 926—1015 versus 1183—1341, TaIII = 98—105 versus 113—133), and lesser m-t (0.236 versus 0.271).

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